Sex Therapy
Common Issues
performance anxiety | pressure to please | orgasm | low libido | vaginismus | erectile dysfunction | body image | menopause & ageing | abuse & trauma | discrepancy in desire | fetishes & fantasy | routine & monotony | emotional disconnect | shame | norms & expectations
emotional closeness | satisfying sex | finding the fun again! | freedom to share express desires & concerns | heightened pleasure | re-kindled desire | bodily awareness & acceptance | navigating differences | respect, empathy & mutuality
My Approach -
Sensate Focus Sex Therapy
Sensate Focus Sex Therapy is a valuable tool for couples seeking to enhance intimacy & sexual satisfaction. This structured programme comprises touch & sensation 'experiments' to be done in privacy at home, and at your own pace. It begins with simple touching exercises and gradually incorporates more intimate acts as comfort levels increase.
My role is to help partners navigate their concerns & challenges through reflective counselling sessions. Couples find that with less anxiety, improved communication and mindfulness, physical intimacy becomes much more relaxed, enjoyable and mutually satisfying.
​Key Components of Sensate Focus Therapy:
1. Gradual Exposure to Touch: Couples are initially encouraged to engage in non-sexual touching exercises. This technique allows them to explore sensations without the pressure of sexual performance, fostering a greater sense of comfort and intimacy.
2. Mindfulness & Presence: Partners are taught to focus on the present moment during intimate encounters. By being mindful, they can deepen their awareness of their own bodies and their partner's responses, enhancing emotional connection.
3. Communication: Sensate Focus promotes open communication about desires, boundaries, beliefs and feelings. Couples learn to express their needs and preferences, which strengthens their emotional bond and understanding of each other.
How it works
​It is important to have a healthy relationship as the foundation for undertaking this work so I typically suggest introducing Sensate Focus alongside or following couples therapy. Here's my approach:

1. Readiness Interview
To embark on the Sensate Focus programme, I request new clients arrange a 30 minute online call prior to booking an initial appointment so we can work out together if my approach is right for you.

2. Assessments & Formulation
Partners each attend for a 90 minute appointment to talk about their relationship & sexual histories in confidence.
The formulation is a one-hour session in which I share my hypotheses about the issues that are maintaining the problem. Together we will create your treatment plan and agree next steps.

3. The Programme
A comprehensive programme of sensate focus involves 9 separate stages worked through at your own pace. In reality, most clients reach their goals & end therapy well before then. Sessions are arranged at timely intervals - not weekly, and are more structured than typical couples therapy. Fees reflect the additional clinical input & resources required to support you.