Common Dating Dilemmas
Love life Coaching
dealing with rejection & ghosting | maintaining boundaries & clear communication | understanding signals - positive signs & red flags | first date do's & don'ts | being authentic online | keeping it going | long-distance love | dating in later life
self awareness | resilience | courage | inspiration | motivation | connection | acceptance & self love | personal responsibility | freedom, choice & optimism for the future
My Approach -
Unleash your Love-ability in 2025!
My Love Life Coaching Program is for singles eager to find real connection & lasting love, and willing to take action to transform it!
This program provides a structured approach to personal growth and relationship building, making the most of my expertise as a relationship therapist - who has seen & supported all kinds of relationships from every angle! Over 12 weeks, I will support you in taking a deep dive into your limiting beliefs about yourself & others, while also preparing you for meaningful connections.
My 1:1 coaching will help you to concentrate effort on this important area of life that isn't yet working for you, and support you in taking new actions to achieve the results you want. This is not about tips & strategies, but finding out how to unleash your natural confidence to successfully navigate the modern dating world - with clear boundaries, optimism & passion!
12-Week Life Coaching Program Outline: Unleashing Your Love-ability
Week 1: Introduction and Goal Setting
Week 2: Understanding Self-Worth
Week 3: Healing from the Past
Week 4: Defining Your Ideal Life Partner
Week 5: Cultivating Self-Love
Week 6: Communication Skills & Boundary-setting
Week 7: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Week 8: Attracting Healthy Relationships
Week 9: Dating with Intention
Week 10: Navigating Conflict and Challenges
Week 11: Embracing Vulnerability and Authenticity
Week 12: Integration and Future Visioning

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